Monday, July 29, 2013

Ganesh chaturthi Hindu festival in India

Ganesh chaturthi festival  

In ganesh Chaturthi Festival   is    the celebration    of birthday  of   lord Ganesha , the  son of shiva and Parvati  held by Hindus all over India

The elephant head god or Lord Ganesha , is worshiped in Hindu culture for his power to eliminate obstacles and create good fortune instead  
Ganesh chaturthi feast usually falls  between 19 Aguste and 20 September The duration of this celebration varies from 1 to 11 days depends on traditions of  the different parts of India
People clean their houses to welcome the lord Gnesha's idol in their home , and On Ananta Chaturdasi  which is the last day of this festival They bring the statue along with dancing and singing to immerse it in the river 

If you don't have enough time to travel to India for  11 days , to take part in this religious event  , then try to be there at least in the last day which you can see the entire decorations and idols of the  lord Ganesh the elephant-head god with all of those dancing and singing.

Ganesh Chaturthi - Jai Dev Jai Dev


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